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Thema: "Haxball – Allgemeine Diskussion / News" [ Seite 1 2 3 4 ]
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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 25.06.2011, 23:49 Beitrag #46 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Update: More big stadiums!


Added big versions of Easy, Rounded and Hockey stadiums.
Reduced the size of the goal in Easy stadium a bit.


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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 30.09.2011, 22:42 Beitrag #47 hat folgendes geschrieben:
HaxBall is moving to a new host

Why the move?

Up to now HaxBall has been hosted by Google App Engine, a pretty eccentric cloud hosting service. Unfortunately they have recently announced a huge increase in price which left me with no choice but to move HaxBall to some other more conventional hosting service.

How does it affect the users?

The move is going to be gradual and today I’m starting by redirecting the room list to the new host. When this happens the room list will be cleared and users will need to refresh the site to see the new rooms.

Other than this there should be no difference from the usual HaxBall experience. And just to be clear: This change cannot cause any type of in game lag, it will only affect the room list.

Oh well!

Hopefully if the move works out fine I’ll be back at adding new features and fixing bugs on the HaxBall client soon :)

( Update: The new server is working like a charm. I’m now redirecting into it. )

Update: Mostly Anti-spam


Implemented chat throttling. When a user spams too much his messages will queue up and be sent only once every two seconds.
Reduced the max length of a single chat message to 125 characters (from 250 which was way longer than needed)
Improved Ban. It’s no secret that the previous ban implementation was as simple to avoid as clearing flash cache. Not anymore.
Fixed a bug which made the “X team is victorious” message not appear when the game ends on time limit.

Enjoy less spammable games! ;)

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 29.12.2011, 23:53 Beitrag #48 hat folgendes geschrieben:

Update: Custom stadiums and HaxBall anniversary!

Time sure flies! It has already been 1 year since HaxBall was first released and ever since the game has never stopped growing in popularity. Last Friday was an all time record of 100k unique visitors in a single day!

It has been a while since the last update and for that I apologize. Some of you might have heard that I was working on a dedicated server for HaxBall, this was an Adobe Air version which would let you host rooms without the overhead of graphics, sounds and running on a browser. Unfortunately the performance during testing was a bit underwhelming so this project has been postponed for now.

Today I bring to you a new and exciting feature: The HaxBall Stadium Format (.hbs). This is a text format which allows you to create any kind of stadium! From boring things like just changing the size of the goal to crazy shaped stadiums with multiple goal areas and obstacles.

The .hbs files are plain text so you can edit them with any text editor.

Here are two sample stadiums:

simplestadium_tutorial.hbs (Same as simplestadium but it contains comments which should help you understand the format. If you plan to create HaxBall stadiums this one is a must read.)

For now there is no documentation, if you want to learn to make stadiums you’ll have to figure it all out by tinkering with these sample stadiums. I’ll make a stadium format reference page in the future though.

I have one warning: The stadium format is in alpha stage and will definitely be changing. There’s a good chance that stadiums made for the current version of this format will stop working on upcoming updates, although they will be easy to fix/update.

In future versions of this format I’ll add the possibility of changing physical parameters of the players and balls (radius, kick strength, friction, speed, mass, etc.). I also plan to add features that will let you create things like speed boosters, bumpers, teleporters, high friction ground, etc. I’m really excited to see what kind of things the community will do with this :)


Changed the UI to pick stadiums, there’s now a “Pick” button which will open a stadium select popup.
Added a new default map called “Huge” for 4v4 5v5 and above. (Dimensions are subject to further tuning).
Implemented the HaxBall Stadium Format (.hbs). You can load .hbs files from your hard drive by pressing the “Load” in the new stadium picker UI.
Fixed a bug which made the score limit, time limit and stadium buttons visible even when a game was in progress.


Default stadiums in .hbs format:

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Hobbyfussballer , 30.12.2011, 10:07 Beitrag #49   
Die Änderungen gibts schon länger. Bin schon exzessiv dabei, die neuen Custom-Maps zu testen. =)

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 06.02.2012, 19:24 Beitrag #50 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Update: Random tweaks and features.


Removed the “Country” column in the room list, instead the flags are now shown in the “~Distance” column. As a side effect the room names now have more space.
Made the chat reject newline characters, some players were exploiting this to send chat messages as someone else in the room.
Made players move to the bottom of the list when they change teams. In the past the players would always be sorted in the order they joined the room. This change should make it easier for admins to remember who is next in line.
Added team reset buttons for admins, they move all the players on a specific team to spectators.
Added a bunch of features to the .hbs format: The possibility to set the initial speed of discs and edit the physical properties of the ball and the players. This .hbs file shows how to use the new features: newfeatures_tutorial.hbs. No real documentation page yet though, sorry ;o


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