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Thema: "Haxball – Allgemeine Diskussion / News" [ Seite 1 2 3 4 ]
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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Hobbyfussballer , 06.01.2011, 21:58 Beitrag #31   

Tobi hat folgendes geschrieben:
Die FAQ ist online!

Einfach das Bild oben anklicken. Wenn noch Fragen offen sind, diese bitte hier in diesem Thema stellen! :)


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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 07.01.2011, 12:49 Beitrag #32   
Die FAQ wurde gerade im Bereich Wie spielt man Haxball? überarbeitet.

Die Forenkategorie ist jetzt unter (mit und ohne www) erreichbar
Die FAQ unter

Dieser Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal editiert. Das letzte mal 07.01.2011, 13:43 von Tobi.

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 07.01.2011, 15:48 Beitrag #33   
News zu Haxball: hat folgendes geschrieben:
Geplante Neuerungen
20:03:25 06.01.2011
Nachdem ich mich gerade mit dem Entwickler unterhalten habe, kann ich euch folgende Informationen geben:

Neuerungen, die definitiv bald kommen werden
- Admin Tools (Player Kicken, Adminrechte etc.)
- Auswählbare Spielfelder (Größere Spielfelder, Hockey Stadion und vieles mehr)

Diese kommen irgendwann zwischen morgen und in 2 Monaten, genaueres wollte er nicht sagen. Ich persönlich würde aber eher auf maximal 3-4 Wochen tippen.

Neuerungen, die er auch noch gerne einführen würde
- Feste Spieleraccounts
- +Statistiken dieser Accounts
- +eine automatische Ladder mit diesen Accounts

Dies seien aber relativ große Aufgaben und somit könne er nichts versprechen.


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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 10.01.2011, 13:25 Beitrag #34   
Wir sind drauf!

Rot-Blau HaxBall — HaxBall dedicated subforum on a fansite of the german football club "Wuppertaler SV".
Quelle: ;) 8-)

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Hobbyfussballer , 10.01.2011, 13:55 Beitrag #35   

Tobi hat folgendes geschrieben:
Wir sind drauf!

Rot-Blau HaxBall — HaxBall dedicated subforum on a fansite of the german football club "Wuppertaler SV".
Quelle: ;) 8-)


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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 20.01.2011, 20:44 Beitrag #36   

Small update

Just released a small change on the HaxBall client


* Added a team reset button which lets the room admin quickly turn everyone into spectators.
* Modified “Auto” button, instead of filling the teams to max capacity it will pick a random pair of players per click.
* Fixed a bug which caused players to become stuck in the middle of the field after a goal was scored.

I’m working on implementing more admin tools (player kicking, promoting to admin, etc) but since it will take a while I decided to release these smaller changes now.

Have fun :)



* Implemented a player list which you can inspect even during a match in progress.
* Player kicking! Use it responsibly ;)
* Admins can now give/take admin powers to other players.
* Team selection menu is now prettier and easier to use.

To use the kicking or admin give/take features open the player list and click on the button that appears next to the players name.



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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 29.01.2011, 16:36 Beitrag #37   

Update! Stadiums and more!


* Stadiums! Room admins can select from 5 differently shaped stadiums to play on!
* Own player highlight! Your own nick is no longer displayed under your player, instead now there’s a highlighting ring around the disc you control.
* Camera improvements! One of the stadiums is bigger than the game viewport, to make it playable I improved the follow behavior of the camera and implemented arrows that point to unseen game objects.
* Some bugfixes ;)



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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 23.02.2011, 18:32 Beitrag #38 hat folgendes geschrieben:

Small update


* Fixed a bug which caused the overtime message to be shown when there’s no time limit, I knew I had forgotten something :P
* Did some tweaks to the hockey stadium, it felt a bit cramped to me so I made it a tad bigger by reducing the play area margin. I also made the net impassable by players (in 4v4 a team could clog the goal but this map is meant for 3v3 or less).
* By popular demand I hackily added a sound mute button. I don’t like the placement or looks of this button so it will probably be moved somewhere else later on, but it’s better than not having one at all :)




* Changed how the overtime message is shown, instead of covering the playfield it now appears next to the timer. Also, now the timer will continue even after overtime is reached.
* Added a new stadium: Hockey! This was initially intended to be ice hockey themed but I did not manage to make the color scheme work well (ice needing to be white-ish brought contrast issues) so instead I went for some sort of street hockey theme :P
* Fixed a bug which made pressing cancel before the game connects to the RTMFP server not work. Also failing to connect to the RTMFP server is now handled (before it would just get stuck in that screen).
* Some other smaller bugfixes.


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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 07.03.2011, 18:38 Beitrag #39 hat folgendes geschrieben:
And again, update!


* Replaced the ESC menu with the lobby, which is now reachable even during a match in progress. Leaving the room, obtaining the room link and stopping an ongoing match can now be done from the lobby.
* Removed the players list, its functionality is now available in the lobby as well.
* Admins can now move players into a team during a match without the need to restart the game.
* When a player leaves a game his body is removed from the field. I bet someone will miss the corpses, but it didn’t really make a lot of sense :P
* The room name is now visible in the header of the lobby screen.


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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 25.03.2011, 23:24 Beitrag #40 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Update: Optional frame rate!


* Brand new options menu which is accessible from the room list and during the game.
* Moved the mute sound button into the options menu.
* Made a frames per seconds limit option which it lets you choose between 30 and 60 FPS. Useful for those with slow computers which can’t run the game smoothly at 60 FPS.
* Made Flash hardware acceleration optional. This caused blank screens for a few people. A warning will appear during the login screen which will let people with blank screens disable it.

My apologies to those of you who were negatively affected by the previous update, this update should fix your problems :)


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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 21.04.2011, 13:21 Beitrag #41 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Update: Replay recording!

At last, I’m done with replays! This feature has certainly taken more time and effort to complete than what I initially thought it would. For those curious, some form of per-room player ban is next on the list.


Added a rec button, press it once to start recording, press it again to stop and save the recorded gameplay as a .hbr file!
Added a “Replays” button to the room list, use this to load previously saved replays.
Added a ping graph option, enabling it will display a graph of your ping history (Doesn’t show if you are the host).
Added a new URL parameter which lets users link to replay files. Try it! Detailed explanation below.

Replay links explained (gets a bit technical):

A replay link has the following format:

“<Replay Version>#<Replay URL>”

<Replay Version> is currently 0, but this number will change every time a new version of HaxBall is released. HaxBall replay files (.hbr) have got this number stored in their first 4 bytes (as a big-endian unsigned integer), which should be useful if someone wanted to implement some sort of HaxBallReplay-Tube (wink wink ;).

<Replay URL> is the URL of the .hbr file to load.


There’s also a small catch, because of Flash security policies your file host needs have a crossdomain.xml policy file allowing (and to read files from it.

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 10.05.2011, 12:11 Beitrag #42 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Update: Ban and other things


* Implemented player banning as a toggle in the kick menu. The ban lasts for as long as the room is up.
* The avatar is now remembered, set it once and it will be the same the next time you play.
* Fixed a bug in which holding down Enter when inputing the room password would make you join the room multiple times.

Neue Links: - Replay Upload - Haxball Replay Videos - Cup Generator

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 11.06.2011, 12:47 Beitrag #43 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Update: Mostly bugfixes.


Improved location detection, this update will reduce the number of users who get an incorrect flag.
Optimized the room list, it will load faster. The latest Flash Player update (version 10.3) seemed to change something that made my old room list implementation freeze for several seconds when loading the rooms, this update should fix that.
Fixed a bug which cause player nicknames and avatars to move and scroll wildly if they were prefixed with a tab character.
Fixed a bug that made the suggested replay names have incorrect month numbers.
Added the string “HBRP” in ASCII encoding to the replay file format right after the version number ( bytes 4 to 7 ). This is here to help sites that host HaxBall replay files identify them.
Added the chat command “/clear_avatar”, which will remove whatever avatar you have set.

Not the most exciting update ever, but enjoy it anyway! ;)

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag BZBE , 11.06.2011, 15:09 Beitrag #44   
gibts noch turniere?

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Toggle   Kein neuer Beitrag Tobi , 12.06.2011, 12:31 Beitrag #45   

BZBE hat folgendes geschrieben:
gibts noch turniere?

Wir könnten mal wieder eins machen...Niiils? ;)

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